29 January 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Happy News! I often feel bad about how negative the tone of this blog tends to be. It's not intentional, but I want to keep people informed on important things that are happening in the world around law and life, and unfortunately, it seems like the negative stories get featured most prominently. Not today though!

There are still people fighting for a culture of life- even in politics it appears. Wyoming is in the news right now, about assisted suicide- but not for the reason you might expect. House Bill 120, initiated by Right to Life of Wyoming would criminalize assisted suicide in the state of Wyoming. (Currently Wyoming is one of five states that have no laws on the books dealing with assisted suicide.) I don't know if the Bill has the votes needed to pass, but I pray that it does. It looks like the bill has made clear provisions for palliative care, so the pro-death argument that anti-assisted suicide legislation will render doctors unable to deal with patient's pain is invalid.

All I can say is way to go Wyoming Right to Life! It's initiatives like this that the pro-life movement needs to get behind and lobby for. (Really, that's all I can say. Maybe this is why there aren't a lot of positive stories on the blog- I agree, and so don't have much to say.) Anyway, I will be praying and cheering for House Bill 120 and I ask all of you to do the same. If you have family or friends in Wyoming (or you are in Wyoming) please urge them to contact their local representative and encourage them to vote for the bill.

If/As soon as this bill passes, I will let you know!

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