03 February 2009

Praise God!

I just got home from a pro-life fundraiser, and all I can say is God is absolutely amazing. Our club put on the fundraiser to raise funds to continue our work on campus- to pay club fees, buy materials and supplies to distribute, make posters, host speakers and other events etc. The club was worried that we wouldn't sell (well, maybe not the club- I was worried) the minimum tickets needed to pay for the event. I shouldn't have worried- we sold double the minimum tickets!!! (In other words the fundraising was a smashing success) Not only that, but everyone had (or at least seemed to have) a great time. (In other words the social aspect of the evening was a smashing success)

It's things like this that remind me that I shouldn't worry- I should trust in God, because He will supply whatever we need and more. He provides abundantly for all- we just need to ask. The same thing happened over 4 years ago when the club started- we had no money, no resources, just a few people committed to educating our fellow university students about life. As soon as we committed to starting the club, resources, money, an entire fetal model set essentially fell into our laps. Things like this tell me a couple of things. First, and foremost, this is work God obviously wants us to be doing, since he supplied everything in abundance. Secondly, I should have faith and remember that minor things like finances shouldn't prevent me from doing the work I feel called to do. We should follow our calls and do whatever it is God is calling us to do. The concerns we have don't matter- God will provide. (I feel like I should repeat that mantra over and over so I don't forget it.)

This also reminded me that the work we do on campus is not our work. We cannot take credit for the good that is being done- the credit, glory and praise all belong to God, without whom we are nothing. All good that I accomplish in my life is a direct result of God's actions in my life, and my joyful obedience to His will.

I will close this post just by saying a great big Thank-you again to all those who supported the fundraiser tonight (I think some of you read this blog). Your generosity enables the club to continue the work it does on campus to educate on life issues, and hopefully save a few lives as well. The work we do is directed at building the Kingdom of God up here on earth. We don't say that in the work we do, but we do say it in our prayers. Rather than just praise God in my prayers tonight (which I will do) I wanted to praise him in as public a manner as I can. He is amazing and he does provide abundantly.

Thank-you God for your involvement in my life, for the gifts you have blessed me with, for the family and friends I have and for the ability I have to publicly express my faith. You are good, and I am so very grateful.

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